Led Wizard 7
Led Wizard 7

Instructions are here…and it’s also a great list if you want to follow people and trust you are following the right person. (fyi: if you’re an author, writer or personality who have/had 5k+ followers on Twitter before Elon Musk & his investors took over – GO YOU! – you can get a Fedified (verified) account over on Mastodon as a ‘notable’ account. Writers have built up an audience, community and close connections on Twitter over many years – it’s a form of social proof – and don’t want to see them vanish.The key arguments for staying on Twitter seem to be: This in turn has led to many writers, thinkers and long-time Twitter users questioning whether they stay on the platform. Add your own point here as I’m sure there are many!.Reminded users that their data – every single search, follow, like, scroll, pause, comment – can be mined – for unknown current and future purposes.(for example…and I’ll fess up here, amongst other things: I’d prefer all the big brains and big $ available in this world to work toward saving and renewing the planet we’re on rather than funnelling $$$ and brainpower into potentially wrecking not just this one but more). Raised awareness that this mass communication platform now funnels money directly into the control of an individual (and shareholders) whose views authors and writers may or may not fully share.Raised the prospect of a ‘blue tick’ being able to be bought by anyone…which means anyone (or bot or anonymous interest group) can be ‘verified’ if they pay (which dilutes the whole ‘trust’ thing the blue tick inferred).Led to mass sackings of staff (thousands) including many from teams who have spearheaded safeguards for the platform.In the past week, Elon Musk and his takeover of Twitter have: Well, yes, there is an elephant in the room and here’s what I understand so far. Yes, masticate that around in your mouth and misspell it a few times like I did…Mastadon, Mastodon, Marstodon. Just when some writers thought they’d have the weekend to relax or get an hour or two of writing done ponder their book proposal prepare for their book launch submit to literary agents catch up on the news chat with their friends in the Twitterverse Tweet a few words to increase their following or pitch a newspaper or magazine editor with an article via a direct message on Twitter…they suddenly had to work out the origin of a word they’d probably never heard before: Mastodon.

Led Wizard 7